Wednesday, May 28, 2008 . 12:45 AM
Well, this is my last post before I head of for the OAC camp. ^.^It'll be an overnight trip by train to Malaysia, exactly where I have no idea though. o.O
Throughout the past 3 days my parents and my grandfather have been nagging at me non stop about safety, saying that I have to be responsible, and not do anything stupid. They know me too well, I guess =D
It may be annoying but at least it shows that they care.
The camp involves 14 hours of hiking so I reckon I'll be back with my legs really really sore. Oh by the way, I'm returning this Saturday morning at around 10.00am. It's a 4 nights 2 days camp, how that is possible, I'll let you go figure.
I'm so glad I got partnered with Sean! If I were to get partnered with some other OAC people, I wouldn't know what to do!
Not naming any names specifically *coughamandaorzencough* Shucks. Seems I have the cough right before the trip! A stroke of bad luck there. =P
Anyway I know you'll all miss me, but don't miss me too much! And for the dancers, good luck for Aristal! Hope you put on a good show!
Its 122 minutes before the train leaves, so I guess I better get going! See you in a few days =}
One last one before I leave
#7 Billy was a chemist's son
But now he is no more,
For what he thought was H20,
Was actually H2SO4
Sunday, May 25, 2008 . 4:52 AM
Okay this blog is for two days so it'll be a little long =PYesterday
On Friday I was SOFAKING tired so I slept for twelve hours. SLEEP IS SO FUN. Met up with Haoqing at KAP before heading to Matthew's house for a fun round of Halo 2! Matthew's dad graciously fetched us there :P
After awhile, Drayl and Geraint came and we all played a while. At around three, we set off for Expo for the Hillsongs United concert. We freaking jammed 8 people in a regular car.

And we rode like this all the way to Expo. I'm really amazed we didn't get stopped by the traffic police. Haha!
At Expo, we are all hungry but decided not to eat at a regular restaurant. Instead we went into a food fair to free load! Haoqing, Geraint and I kept taking the free meat balls, summing up total more than 100 balls between us three! We were all groaning about how damn full we were. =D
Up next, HILLSONGS! We went in and met with Matthew's friends before entering. Gah, the intro was boring and the band staff were flinging packs of sweets into the crowd O.o
We picked up a few and decided that we're full enough as it is so we flung them back into the crowd.
The concert itself was great, and it ended on a high note =D Oh yea, and I saw Valerie too!
After the concert we took the super squeezy MRT back to Jurong East and ate KFC.
I asked for a Shrooms burger, sold out.
I asked for O.R Fillet, sold out.
I ask for Zinger, sold out.
Just had to settle for a Cheese Metlz in the end. Haha can't really blame them, what could I expect at 1 am in the morning?
Went home, slept.
Woke up at an exciting 10am. I met Alissa at Orchard MRT and I was like twenty minutes late. XP We both didn't know what bus to take to Great World City so we just decided to take a cab. It was silver! Like Ohmygosh, so cool.
When we reached GWC, we spent like 20 minutes searching for the ramen place we planned to eat before hand. Haha it was at some secluded corner which we just happened to miss.
The place was more or less packed so we had to wait ten minutes before being seated.
I ordered the Spicy Miso Ramen while Alissa got the Special something Ramen. Oh yes, what kind of person doesn't like eggs? o.O
After a delicious and satisfying meal, we decided to take a little walk. GWC was smaller than I remembered it to be. >.<
We went to watch Indiana Jones. We purchased the Iron Man combo!! Had drink, popcorn but most importantly, it came with a free toy, which Alissa said I could have. HAHA. (I'm full of childlike wonder, yes I am. =D)
The movie was really comical. Like totally not what I expected. Shia Lebouf (sp?) grew a freaking moustache! It looked totally weird on him. The movie was really Sci-Fi and hardly made any sense.
It was like Lucas and Spielberg just decided to dump some special effects and every cliche in the book into a pot and stirred it up and served it up as a movie.
Only worth watching if you have A LOT of time and money to waste.
After the movie, we took a cab back to Cineleisure to take Neoprints! :P (What are a neopet's tracks called? Neoprints. LOL.)
Anyway after taking the wonderful superfantasic Neoprints, we went to KFC (again?) to just talk. Chatted for a hour before we caught the MRT back home.
Now my wallet has a hole in it, but at least I had oodles of fun and plus! I got the cool Iron Man toy. Hehe.
Okay this joke is REALLY STUPID. You have been warned =D
#6 What smells really bad and sounds like a bell?
Monday, May 19, 2008 . 11:06 PM
Gosh, its been a long time since I posted. Today was MA 1102! I've been a nervous wreck since last week because of this exam.I failed horribly last term, getting a miserable 11/40 and according to Mr Cheng that test was trivial and this term's was challenging. (Wait, deja vu much? Didn't I already say this?)
Anyway, I spent many hours mugging for this exam, completely neglecting everything else.
I could hardly sleep the previous night, only getting weary of the anxiety at 3am before finally dozing off. Now i have eye bags. Great.
What can I say, the test is hard to scale. I was completely unprepared for term one's test so it felt very hard but this term's test was supposedly harder although I could do much more questions.
Probably gonna pass borderline-ish yea?

HAHA. That was lame.
Oh, apparently people like to hit me a lot. Xin Yi was smacking me in the arm after MA1102 because she was frustrated (at least I hope that's the reason o.O) and Alissa was kicking my shin. Doesn't really hurt or anything but, hey I'm no punching bag.
Haha, that just reminded me of the 5000 hp punching bag from Neopets. What was his name again? Bob? Something like that.

He cracks me up! ^_^
I'm going to take a nice long nap now. Till next time!
Will post the sports day 08IP06 picture next time.
Here's one I thought up with help from some 06xays =D
#4 Why was the street performer very tan?
Because he kept basking in the sun.
Friday, May 16, 2008 . 8:56 AM
Found this au'som video off youtube. Quite amazing really.Tuesday, May 13, 2008 . 7:32 AM
Whatsup faces! It finally got to me. 4 days of continuously staying up to wee hours of the morning to study finally took its toll on my body. I could hardly remain conscious today morning at 6! I can't believe I had to miss school! Gah. I hope I didn't miss to many lessons =( Many apologies to Mr Khoo! I was suppose to hand in numerous edusave forms today but didn't manage to, so I think I caused him a fair bit of trouble.I woke up at 12 noon, by a phone call. I spent the day roaming around like a zombie before finally sitting down to do some work.
When you concentrate, Chemistry is actually very easy! And the 2 triangles plus 1 rectangle helps a lot. (Smiley face) I think Maths is gonna kill us all.
"Trivial" = >50% of the cohort failing
"Challenging" = Tears and breakdowns in the examination hall.
The consequences are inevitable. I'm honestly regretting not working hard for Maths consistently. I guess its a little too late for "what if"s and "should have"s but you can't help but wonder if things would have turned out differently if you had a second chance in life and made different choices.
Well, enough of my boring thoughts, on to some lighter stuff.
No, no. I'm not talking about gasoline or petrol i mean more positive issues :D (Sorry, it was a very bad joke, even inside my head)
Today Haoqing and I were trying to speak in proper English, thinking that it only suited our status as substantial intellects. (ROFLMAO. Seriously) Anyway, we started a discussion on various topics that I am unfortunately unable to mention due to the nature of its content. (You may ask me privately at your own discretion, if you wish to) After some while, I couldn't help notice that while Haoqing speaks proper English, he develops a certain, how you say... ridiculous accent?
When he tried to find the noun for emphasis (which is already the noun of the term by the way) he came up with emphasization. HAHA.
Way to go bro! =D
Here's another one. Cheers!
#3 Why is it when an ignited bomb is left alone, it will not go off?
Because it will more from a region of higher to lower concentration and defuse on its own.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008 . 6:19 AM
Hello audience. I can't stand it anymore, 06 classroom is SOFA KING HOT. And the "it's hot because I'm here" jokes get really stale and make me even more irritated than normal.It's obvious what we have to do. Pool together all our pocket money and higher a demolition company to KNOCK DOWN THAT FSCKING WALL. For those who don't know, the fan blades are actually bent upwards meaning they blow wind towards the ceiling (wtf right?) and suck air from below. I'm surprised we haven't suffocated to death.
Well enough of my bitching, time for some positive thoughts!
Today I managed to borderline understand physics. It's amazing. Really.
I think that heaven is a communist society. If everyone becomes perfect when they get to heaven, total selflessness would be theoretically possible. But then again we have to take into account the chances of heaven actually existing. (No offense Christianity, just thinking out loud) and plus we have to factor in the possibility that everything in heaven is infinite and no one actually has to do or share anything. I wonder if Karl Marx is up there?
Hmm... religion is a risky subject to discuss.
Here's another joke.
#2 What do Jack the Ripper & Winnie the Pooh have in common?
Their middle name.
Sunday, May 4, 2008 . 8:40 AM
And here's another really au'some video! Haha hope you enjoy it :DSaturday, May 3, 2008 . 9:05 AM
I am thoroughly addicted to the song Superstar by Lupe Fiasco. Go youtube and watch the MV if you haven't heard of it :DWell, today was Food Fair Day! To be fair to reality, it was Food Fair Night. Anyway I reached school at 5 and brought the 120 chicken wangs with me! So to all those who tasted those marvelously marinated and succulent appendages of heaven, you know who to thank. =)
I feel quite guilty. After arriving for 10 WHOLE MINUTES, I ran off to island creamery with Haoqing, Chandel, Andrew, Akshay (sp?), Sean and Charmanda. When we reached there, we basically talked a lot of crap. We went back at 6+ because us OAC members had to help out with the concert! So I shan't bore you with the rest of the trivial details, but overall I think the Food Fair Night went rather well. =)
Btw, I have a video of Geriant and I kissing, be sure to upload it soon.
Oh here's a lame joke
#1 What do you call an aristocrat's fart?
Noble gas! :D:D
Friday, May 2, 2008 . 8:33 AM
Finally uploaded this video. This was done by some very bored people so please enjoy :D It's about a devilishly handsome sword eater and his rowdy and retarded audienceHello, hello. Before this post starts, I need to bitch about IH, K? Okay here I go.
I'm done :D Yes, and as the title of the post states, it's college day tomorrow! Excited everyone? You should be. Even more excited about the off day we get eh?
We have 2 weeks left! Everyone should be in high gear now, mugging furiously in the last stretch of time. Some how the only thing that might remotely motivate me to study is the 2 tubs of ice cream I have to buy Alissa if I get a GPA lower than her, and the chances of that happening is like. Monumental? I wish we were a communist state. That way all out grades would be equal :D
I love fridays. Mostly because Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy and Supernatural all release new episodes on this day. No better way to relax on a friday night than watching surgeons saving people and demonhunters killing them.
OH? What was that sound? Why, its the sound of my torrent finishing! And what am I gonna do now? Take a good guess :)
Btw, I think we look spanking with our top buttons up
Thursday, May 1, 2008 . 12:34 AM
As I was revamping this old old blog of mine, I chanced upon some of my old "artwork" in Photobucket and realized that I don't draw as much and as well as I used too. (It's incorrect to start a sentence with "as", don't follow my example!)Kinda depressing really, I used to like doodling so much. That little mushroom on the left was drawn in Secondary 1 by the way, when I was just a wee lad :D Well, since this is the first official post of this blog, I shall keep it short. ( these two statements have no link really, I'm just lazy)
So here you are! Reading this blog. Yes, yes. You sure are. No doubt about it. Just reading along. Read. Read. Read. Have I wasted enough of your time yet? Yes, I reckon I have. WTPONG JUST HAPPENED?
Anyway this blog will be updated every other day, definitely, maybe. I'll be posting about my woes, my troubles, and all my little whiny bitchings (and I know you guys just LOVE reading about those ) so please stay tuned.
Oh, and yes. I will be posting as many lame jokes I hear or create myself on this blog, now isn't that superb incentive to visit? Al rights, I guess that's all.
More Secondary 1 art.